Cover – Historica Cover Illustration “Il Lato opposto della pelle” Historica Watercolor & Gouache 2019… Books, Illustrations
Lodestar Anthology Magazine “England” / Gallery Illustrations for the “England” Issue “There was a time for us too when Suffolk and the… Books, Illustrations, Magazine
Cover / Racconti Edizioni Cover “Ovunque sulla terra gli uomini” Racconti Edizioni, 2018 Gouache & Watercolour… Books, Illustrations
“Pathways” Book / Gallery “Isle of Skye” Illustrations for the book Pathways, published by New Heroes & Pioneers. Watercolour &… Books, Illustrations
“La Zattera” Il Sole 24ore Magazine / Gallery “La Zattera” Il Sole 24ore Sceneggiatura Silvia Vecchini Illustrazioni Marina Marcolin Grafite & Gouache 2017… Illustrations, Magazine
Lodestars Anthology Magazine “Canada” / Gallery Illustrations for the Canada Issue Lodestars Anthology Magazine 2018 Watercolor, gouache on paper … Illustrations, Magazine
Poster & Flyer ” Expo F.I.V.I. Roma” Poster & Flyer “Expo FIVI-Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti” Rome Watercolor on paper 2018 … Illustrations
Lodestars Anthology Magazine “Japan” / Gallery Illustrations for the Japan Issue Lodestars Anthology Magazine 2018 Watercolor, gouache on papaer … Illustrations, Magazine
Poesie Naturali / Gallery Originally published in Italy by Topipittori. Poems about Nature Nature can be friend or enemy, it can… Books, Illustrations
Poesie naturali / Gallery 2 Originally published in Italy by Topipittori. Poems about Nature Nature can be friend or enemy, it can… Books, Illustrations
Cover / Feltrinelli Cover Feltrinelli Editore Jens Christian Grondahl “Spesso sono felice” 2017… Books, Illustrations
Lodestars Anthology Magazine “Sweden” / Gallery Illustrations for the Sweden Issue Lodestars Antholgy Magazine Watercolur & ink on paper 2016… Illustrations, Magazine
Borderscapes & MDW / Gallery Flyers for Borderscapes Project & Montagna Disegnata Workshops Ink on paper 2016… Black/White, Illustrations
CD Cover “Parapendio” / Gallery Senhal “Parapendio” Cd Cover, Retro & Digipack Watercolour on Paper 2016 … Illustrations
Lodestars Anthology Magazine “Italy” / Gallery My illustrations about Trieste for Lodestars Anthology Magazine The Italy Issue Watercolour on paper 2015… Illustrations, Magazine
Food Show / Gallery “One shouldn’t play with food” Watercolour on paper 2016 Food Show, una gustosissima mostra di illustrazione… Illustrations
Uni-Verses / Gallery No fear,only water and stars. Watercolour on Paper 2015… Black/White, Illustrations, Paintings
“The others”/ Gallery “The others” Art Fair Torino Watercolors on paper 2015… Illustrations, Paintings
Little wor(l)ds / Gallery Exhibitions @Illustri @ Museo Diocesano Vicenza Engravings (Ceramolle/Acquatinta/Puntasecca) Stamperia d’Arte Busato di Vicenza 2015 … Black/White, Illustrations
Poesie della Notte, del Giorno, di ogni cosa Intorno / Gallery Originally published in Italy by Topipittori. A collection of rare poetic intensity, conducted with measure and… Books, Illustrations
“A Green Beauty” & “Firewords Quarterly” /Gallery My illustrations for A Green Beauty Magazine (NY) and Firewords Quarterly (GB) Watercolor on paper 2015… Illustrations, Magazine
Aiuto mi sono perso! Book “La provincia di Cremona, guida turistica illustrata” Edizioni Tapirulan Exhibition @ Museo del Violino, Cremona… Books, Illustrations
Montagna Disegnata 2015 Poster & Flyer “Montagna Disegnata 2015” APT Lavarone e Folgaria (TN) Watercolour on paper… Illustrations
Poster & Flyer “Expo F.I.V.I.” Poster & Flyer “Expo FIVI-Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti” Watercolour on paper 2015… Illustrations
Briccolage Poster / Self Promotion “La briccola[1][2] (in veneziano bricoła) o anche bricola è una struttura nautica… Black/White, Illustrations
NYC / Gallery Winter’s Observations in New York City Graphite,Pencils & Ink on Paper 2015… Black/White, Illustrations
Into The White / Gallery Sun/Light Moon/light Minimal travel/ink on paper 2014… Black/White, Illustrations
Where the Wild Drawings Are 50 illustratori, 50 disegni per i 50 anni dalla pubblicazione di Where the wild things are… Illustrations